Fibo Health and Safety Rules and Policies Updated 3/1/22
As you return to Fibo, please know that we have made updates based on guidance from health authorities, such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and appropriate government agencies.

- • Starting 3/12/22, masks for students and employees will no longer be required, but recommended.
- • All Teachers and Students will have their temperatures taken if they exhibit symptoms of illness, ie: runny nose, sneezing or coughing.
- • In the case of a student with a temperature of 100.4, we will call the parent and ask them to pick up their child.
Hand-Washing and Sanitizer
- • Hand sanitizer is provided throughout the studio and students are encouraged to use it before entering class.
- • Students and Teachers are encouraged to wash hands often throughout the day.
Teacher and Student Health
- • We advise all Students and Teachers to stay home if they have even a mild cough or low-grade fever, as well as if they have had to take simple medications, such as paracetamol/acetaminophen, ibuprofen or aspirin, which may mask symptoms of infection.
- • If students miss class due to staying home because they are sick or covid-related reasons, we will be flexible when scheduling makeups.
- • If during a class, a student develops any symptoms such as a cough or fever, they will be promptly removed from the studio and we will call the parent and ask them to come pick up their child. One of our staff members will stay with the student until the parent has arrived.
Dividers and Spacing
- • At this time, dividers have been removed from the tables and we have returned to our pre-pandemic seating arrangements with 2 students per table.
- • When applicable, siblings will be seated at the same table together.
- • All other students will initially be seated one per table as space allows.
Limited Shared Supplies
- • To reduce shared classroom supplies, we are asking that parents add a pencil, sharpie and eraser to their students kits.
- • Parents are also welcome to add brushes to their supply kits if they prefer them not to use classroom brushes.
- • If a student does not bring their own pencil, sharpie, eraser and/or brushes, they will be given one to use.
Increased Cleaning
- • We have increased our cleaning procedures before, during and after all classes.
- • High-touch surfaces and objects will be wiped with disinfectant regularly
Replacing Printed Items with Digital
- • We have replaced as many printed documents as possible with Digital versions.
Reduced People Inside the Studio
- • We ask that parents use the Parent Portal and/or contact us via for all payment, registration and appointment needs. This will limit the amount of people in the reception room at one time.
- • Restrooms are for students only.
- • Most of our Teachers have been vaccinated, but it is not a requirement.