In each day of this camp, students will be inspired by middle-grade novel genres. They will begin with Fantasy, learning to use alcohol-based markers, inspired by books like Harry Potter! Then, they will have a day of Mystery, creating old maps, inspired by books like Sherlock Holmes. Then, they will escape the universe into Sci-Fi books such as Star Wars and create their own sci-fi inspired pictures. Lastly, they will end with a Steam-Punk inspired day inspired by books such as 2000 Leagues Under the Sea.
Alcohol-based markers (copic)You can buy inexpensive alcohol markers or the real thing, called Copic.
Brushes(small), (medium 1/2"),(big 3/4"), (one-stroke)*Note: Any short-handled, synthetic bristle, acrylic paint brushes will do, but get a 1" , a 1/2" and a detail brush.
Paper: A couple pieces of mixed-media paper 9x12 or 11x14, plus a few sheets of gray/brown/beige papers.
Optional Items: A feather, glow in the dark pen, brads, glitter paint
Items from home:practice paper (ie: copy paper), pencil, sharpie, eraser, scissors, glue